Open Enrollment 2025. Your Benefits Made Simple!


Cigna (Non-Medicare) Participants

Open Enrollment: November 18thDecember 6th

  • This is a Mandatory enrollment for the Cigna healthcare plan (non-Medicare). Your and/or your dependent’s current Cigna healthcare plan will terminate December 31, 2024.
  • Effective January 1, 2025, the School Board will introduce two new Cigna healthcare plans, OAP Extended Network and LocalPlus Focused Network, which will replace the OAP High and OAP Standard plans. We will continue to offer the SureFit Network plan.
  • To enroll in a Cigna healthcare plan, please log in to the Retiree Self-Service Platform. Your online enrollment must be completed by the December 6, 2024 enrollment deadline.


Medicare and Flexible Benefits Participants:

Open Enrollment: November 4thNovember 22nd

If you do not enroll during this open enrollment period, the following will occur:

  • Your and your dependent’s current Medicare healthcare plan and/or Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) will automatically continue for the 2025 plan year. There is a slight rate increase to the Humana and UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Medicare Advantage plans and to the UHC PDP plans. Premium and plan design changes will automatically be applied.
  • Your and your dependents’ current Flexible Benefits will automatically continue for the 2025 plan year. There will be rate increases; therefore, premiums changes will automatically be applied. 

If you would like assistance with your enrollment session, and understanding your benefits offerings, schedule an appointment with a Benefits Educator. You can schedule a telephonic and/or virtual enrollment appointment via the Enrollment Assistance Call Center.

Don’t Wait…Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Schedule a date and time to meet with one of our 3MPWR Benefit Educators to “Enroll” and learn more about your benefits! 3MPWR, a Division of FBMC Benefits Management! We have “Annex” and “Telephonic / Virtual” appointments available. Click the button below to schedule your appointment. From the drop-down, do one of the following:

In-Person Appointments

You can select any of the listed MDCPS onsite locations if you would like to meet with a Benefits Educator on-site.

Please be sure to bring any document for new dependents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or court documents.
For a list of other document and forms please visit the forms page.

Telephonic Appointments

You must select a date and time and you will be contacted “Telephonically” by a Benefits Educator at the date and time you selected.

  • Please be sure you are in front of your computer and can log in to The call will originate from 833-632-7782
  • The benefit educator will utilize to help you through enrollment.