Optional and Dependent Life Insurance

Optional Life Insurance

All full-time employees receive Board-paid life insurance, which is one time their annual benefits salary rounded up to the next $1,000 (Administrators and Confidential Exempt employees receive two times their annual benefits salary).

As a new hire, you may purchase optional life insurance, not to exceed three times your annual base salary, on a guaranteed basis. You will be eligible to increase your coverage to a maximum of five times the annual base salary after the first year of participation in the optional life program. Evidence of Insurability will be required for any increases in coverage. These additional life insurance premiums are paid through payroll deductions.

Your Spouse/Domestic Partner And Child Life Insurance

You may purchase term life insurance in the amount of $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000 for your legal spouse/domestic partner, as long as your legal spouse/domestic partner is not a full-time employee of M-DCPS. This coverage includes accidental death and dismemberment benefits (AD&D), where two times the basic coverage amount will be paid in the event of an accidental death.

You may purchase term life insurance for one or more dependent children in the amount of $5,000 or $10,000. You pay one rate regardless of the number of eligible dependent children covered. An eligible dependent is your own unmarried child, adopted child, any child for whom you have been appointed legal guardian, or stepchildren, if they are dependent upon you for support. An eligible dependent child is covered to the end of the calendar year in which they reach age 26. Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) benefits are not included, only a basic coverage amount will be paid for an accidental death.

The rates for legal spouse/domestic partner and children are age banded and determined by the employee’s age, not the age of the dependent. In accordance with Florida Statutes, group life insurance for either your legal spouse/domestic partner or children cannot exceed 50% of the amount of your School Board basic and optional life insurance combined. These additional life insurance premiums are paid through payroll deductions.

When you enroll your dependents during your initial enrollment period as a new hire, coverage is guaranteed issue, which means there are no health questions to answer. You may add this coverage during the calendar year without evidence of insurability if you experience a change in status (i.e., marriage, birth and adoption). MetLife reserves the right to request evidence of insurability and a physical exam may be required for any eligible dependent not enrolled during this initial period other than during a change in status.

Any questions regarding these benefits should be directed to the MetLife on-site representative at (305) 995-7029.

Group Dependent Term Life Insurance FAQ

The Group Dependent Life Insurance program is available to full-time M-DCPS employees on a voluntary basis. This coverage provides valuable benefits during difficult limes. Simply choose the amount of coverage that suits your needs and indicate your choices during your enrollment. There is no need for medical evidence of insurability if you sign up during the initial enrollment period. Premiums for dependent coverage are determined by the employee’s age as of January 1st of each year.  If it is determined that an enrolled dependent is ineligible, no proceeds will be paid upon death. We reserve the right to request documentation or other evidence to support the eligibility of an enrolled dependent.

Is this a Board paid benefit?

No. Premiums will be paid through payroll deduction.  See rate sheet for cost per pay periods.

When does coverage begin?

Coverage for your eligible dependents will begin on the 1” of the month following your first payroll deduction.

When does coverage terminate?

Dependent life benefits terminate when you are no longer an eligible employee, when you retire or when you are deceased.

May I terminate this coverage?

You may terminate this coverage at any time with written notification to MetLife.

Who is the beneficiary?

You, the employee, are the beneficiary of all dependent life benefits.

Why am I the beneficiary?

Dependent life insurance is provided as an employee benefit.  This coverage is to provide financial resources in the event of a loved one’s death.

How do I receive benefits?

If your dependent dies, please contact the MetLife to file a claim.

Who is an eligible dependent?

Your legal spouse/domestic partner,  your  own child, adopted child and any child for whom you have been appointed legal guardian, or stepchildren if they are dependent upon you for support.

Are there any age limitations?

An eligible dependent child is covered from 15 days of age to the end of the calendar year in which they reach age 26.

Is a physical exam required?

Physical exams are not required for the initial enrollment.  If you enroll your     eligible dependent(s) at a future time,   evidence   of insurability and a physical exam may be required.

Are any of my other benefits affected by this coverage?

No.  This coverage is independent of all other coverages.

What is included with this coverage?

This plan provides basic dependent term life benefits for your legal spouse and children. Spouse coverage also provides accidental death and dismemberment benefits at the same level as the elected basic benefit. Coverage for children provides basic benefits only; accidental death and dismemberment are not included.

What does this plan exclude?

This plan does not offer living benefits.  There is no cash value. This policy cannot be used as collateral, nor can it be assigned.

Is there a disability provision?

The group dependent term life insurance does not offer a disability provision or a waiver of premium provision.

My spouse and I are full time employees of M­ DCPS. Can we both cover the children?

Only one of you may cover your children. Duplication of benefits for the same person is not allowed.

Can we cover each other as dependents?

No. You may not cover your legal spouse as a dependent if they are full-time employee of M­ DCPS.

What if I have more than one child?

Each child is covered for the same benefit that you have elected. The rate is the same regardless of the number of children you have.

How much dependent coverage may purchase?

You may purchase $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000 coverage for your legal spouse/domestic partner and $5,000 or $10,000 coverage for your eligible children. Dependent group term life coverage may not exceed 50% of the employee’s selected life insurance coverage (basic and optional combined).

Why is there a 50% limitation?

Florida statutes limit dependent life benefit maximum to 50% of employee’s group life coverage.

Will my dependent's insurance increase along with my salary?

No. The only increase is when you initiate an increase or through medical underwriting.

Why are the rates based on my age and not my dependent's age?

This program has been actuarially underwritten utilizing employee age data. It is standard practice to base rates on the employee’s age.

What if I have a change in status during the calendar year?

If you experience a change in status such as marital status; dependent’s birth, death, adoption or ineligibility, you may add or drop dependent coverage as long as the change to your benefit is consistent with the change in status you experience.

If I experience a change in status, how many days do I have to make the necessary changes to my benefits?

You have 30 days from the date of the qualifying event to submit a request and documentation supporting the change in status to the Office of Risk and Benefits Management. Evidence of insurability is not required for timely requests.

Can this coverage be converted to a personal policy?

Yes. When your dependent’s coverage ends, you may request a conversion form in order to enroll in an individual policy. Dependent applies for it in writing during the application conversion period.

What is the conversion application period?

The conversion application period is the 31-day period after the date the life benefits for that dependent end.

What if my dependent dies during the conversion application period?

If the dependent dies during the application conversion period, we will pay the death benefit. The death benefit will be paid even if the dependent did not apply for an individual policy.

What if the dependent and I are involved in the same accident?

The benefits will be paid to your estate if:

A) that dependent dies at the same time your death occurs or

B) that dependent dies within 24 hours of your death.

Otherwise, benefits will be paid to the dependent’s estate.