Healthcare Bluebook
Miami-Dade County Public Schools has made Healthcare Bluebook available to you as part of your benefits plan.
Access price and quality information for free at:
User Name: Last name
Password: Last 4 SSN
Why do I need Healthcare Bluebook?
Healthcare prices and quality vary a lot by location and by the procedure. The Healthcare Bluebook tool allows you to search by procedure, physician, or facility to find high-quality affordable healthcare in your area.
- Bluebook shows you the Fair Price™ of thousands of medical services as well as local providers that charge a Fair Price- the price you would reasonably pay for a service or provider in your area.
- We also rank hospitals nationally on separate clinical categories so you can choose a facility that’s best for your medical needs.
- Healthcare Bluebook helps you save money on your out-of-pocket expenses plus you may earn a reward for using a Fair Price “Green” facility.
Download our mobile app on the App Store and Google Play to access custom content.
Mobile Code: MDCPS1
How to Earn a Reward
- Shop for your procedure on Healthcare Bluebook before your service is done.
2. Use a Green-rated facility. For outpatient procedures, use a facility rated green for cost. For an inpatient procedure, use a facility that is rated green for quality and either green or yellow for cost.
3. If you qualify for a reward you will receive a prepaid debit card in the mail. You must activate the card before using.