Here are some common questions about Open Enrollment.
Who is eligible for board paid healthcare?
Eligibility for Board-paid healthcare will be determined monthly after the last payroll in each month and will be based upon attaining 3,300 or more hours and five or more years of service in an applicable part-time food service job code.
When will the coverage become effective?
Coverage for eligible employees will begin on the first of the month following determination of eligibility.
Can I add my dependents during this enrollment period?
Yes, you can add your eligible dependents during this enrollment period. You will have to submit the dependent documentation for each dependent.
How do I enroll in flexible benefits?
To obtain a Flexible Benefits enrollment form, contact FBMC Service Center:
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748), Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET.
Can I enroll in Accidental Death & Dismemberment Coverage?
Yes, except if you are represented by the AFSCME labor union. AFSCME employees CAN NOT enroll in this benefit.
What healthcare plans am I eligible to enroll in?
Employees represented by the AFSCME Union are eligible to enroll in either the Cigna OAP Standard, OAP High or SureFit plan.
Is there a free healthcare option being offered?
Yes. The Cigna SureFit Plan, employee-only coverage, is being offered at no cost to all benefits eligible employees.
If enrolling in the Cigna SureFit Plan, will I be required to select a Primary Care Physician?
Yes, you are required to select a Primary Care Physician for these plans.
How would I pay for my dependent’s healthcare coverage?
The healthcare dependent premiums will be deducted from your paycheck.
Will the School Board subsidize my dependent healthcare premium?
There will be no changes to the healthcare premiums.
How do I prove that my spouse/domestic partner has group coverage available through her/his employer?
During the online enrollment, the application will display an Affidavit and you will be given the opportunity to click on the box that best describes the status of your dependent’s group coverage.
- If you cover your spouse/domestic partner on your healthcare plan and your spouse/domestic partner has coverage available from his/her own employer, an additional annual surcharge of $500 will be charged. The annual surcharge will be billed on a bi-weekly basis according to your pay schedule.
If you cover your spouse/domestic partner on your healthcare plan and your spouse/domestic partner does not have an employer sponsored healthcare plan available to him/her, the spousal surcharge will not be applied.
Will I continue to receive the Flex Credit Dollars?
Employees represented by the AFSCME Union and enrolled in a healthcare plan will receive an annual flex credit of $115. The flex credit will be added to the employees’ gross income and paid through the payroll system based on the number of payroll checks the employee receives.
- 10-month employees (20 paychecks) – $5.75
- 11-month employees (24 paychecks) – $4.79
- 12-month employees (26 paychecks) – $4.42
What are my choices if I have healthcare coverage outside the School Board (group healthcare, Medicare or Medicaid)?
You can opt-out of the board offered healthcare plan and in lieu of healthcare coverage, the board will contribute $100.00 per month. You will receive $100.00 a month, paid bi-weekly through the payroll system based on the deduction pay schedule (subject to withholding and FICA) as follows:
- 10-month employees will receive a $60.00 payment in 20 paychecks
- 11-month employees will receive a $50.00 payment in 24 paychecks
- 12-month employees will receive a $46.15 payment in 26 paychecks
If I am opting out of the Board offered healthcare plan, must I submit any additional documentation?
Yes, if you are opting out of the Board offered healthcare plans you must provide proof of the other group, Medicare or Medicaid enrollment. In addition, you will need to submit and sign the Declination of Healthcare affidavit with the proof.
Will my healthcare benefits continue if I am on a Board-approved leave of absence?
If you are out on a Board-approved leave that’s eligible for benefits, your healthcare coverage will continue. If you are out on leave of absence that does not provide you with healthcare benefits, you will be given the opportunity of continuing your benefits at your cost.
For additional information regarding your current leave status or you want to apply for leave contact the Leave Office at 305-995-7090.

Office of Risk and Benefits Management
1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 335
Miami, Florida 33132
Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
FBMC Service Center
Mon – Fri, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)